Roads to Success (R2S) - DelState University Downtown Campus
The Charlton Roads to Success program at Delaware State University Downtown Dover Campus prepares adult-aged students (ages 18-21) to be successful, contributing members of our community as they make their way to adulthood. The focus of the program is on vocational/professional and life skills training and opportunities in classroom, inclusion, and work-based learning settings. The Charlton Roads to Success program takes a holistic approach to transition. Our goal is for all students to transition from our program to a vocational opportunity with the necessary skills to find success in employment. In order to accomplish this, we offer our students internships that lead to supported or competitive employment in the community.
Students participate in inclusion opportunities which include:
-On-Campus: Adaptive PE/Yoga, Art, Lunch Buddies, and working with students in the Education, Psych, and Nursing Departments
-Off Campus: Once a month, students join members for a full day of activities of their choice at the local YMCA; Students also participate in a yearly Artworks for All.
The Charlton Roads to Success program at Delaware State University Downtown Dover Campus is expanding their work-based learning opportunities that have included both on- and off-campus sites:
-On-Campus: student services center, copy center, library, maintenance/grounds, and bookstore/card-making business.
-Off-Campus: Home2Suites,Walmart, TGIF, Walgreens, and DTI